
A sparkling laughter-filled day when most things proceed- as you desire. It is possible for you to face money-related problems today, but with your understanding and wisdom, you can turn the tables and transform your loss into profit. Good time to get involved in activities that include youngsters. Your love partner will surprise you with something really beautiful today. Your colleagues might invite you for a small get-together after work. Communication will be your strong point today. There are chances that tensions between you and your spouse will escalate and it might not turn out to be good for your relationship in long term.

Remedy:- Showing care and compassion, helping and serving differently-enabled and physically-challenged persons will invariably help in great financial growth.


The performance of your child may give you immense pleasure. Those who are associated with the milk industry are likely to benefit financially today. Good advice from family members will bring gains to you today. You show your love in spite of hatred of your beloved. A new partnership would be promising today. Realizing the fragility of time, you will like to spend your time in solitude away from everyone. It would also be beneficial for you to do so. Some of your works might get hampered today due to the disturbed health of your spouse.

Remedy:- Offer seven almonds and seven grains of black grams in Shani temple and build a strong love life.


Your childlike nature will surface and you will be in a playful mood. Today, you may have to spend a lot of money on your mother or father's health. This will, though, deteriorate your financial condition but also strengthen the relationship. Invitation in an award function of your child would be the source of happiness. You would likely see your dream coming true as he lives up to your expectations. Once you are met with the love of your life, nothing else is required. You will realize this truth today. Writers and media persons can look forward to major recognition. You can leave your office early today to spend some time with your life partner. However, excessive traffic will ruin your efforts. Life keeps on giving you surprises, but today you are going to be awestruck seeing a wonderful side of your partner.

Remedy:- Wear a silver bangle to increase your financial prospects.


Today you will have ample time to do things to improve your health and looks Certain important plans will be executed bringing you fresh financial gains. Think before sharing your confidential information with your spouse. If possible, try to avoid it as she might reveal it to someone else. Love life could be a little tough. Good day for retailers and wholesalers. Your magnetic- outgoing personality will put you into the limelight. Your spouse might burst out on you over a not-so-happening conjugal life that you have.

Remedy:- Grow and tend to yellow flower-bearing plants at home to attain a good love life.


Don't depend on fate and try to improve your health as fortune is a lazy goddess which will never come to you. It is high time for you to control your weight and restart exercising to regain your health. You can acquire money from an unknown source today, which will resolve many of your financial troubles. A festive atmosphere at home would ease your tension. Make sure you also participate in this and not remain like a silent spectator. Instant romance could come your way if you go out with friends in the evening. Someone might treat you today to something nice at work. Tours and travel would bring pleasure and would be highly educating. Your spouse will put the effort into making you happy today.

Remedy:- Mix wheat, whole red lentils, and red vermillion in the water while bathing, for good health.


You need to exhibit extreme courage and strength as you face some traumas. You could easily overcome these with your optimistic attitude. Today you can invest your money in religious activities, and most likely to incur mental peace and stability. Your brother will be more supportive of your needs than you had thought. Today, you and your loved partner will delve into the ocean of love and will experience the high of love. Think twice before you take on any new project. Many times, you don't realize where the time has gone once you start surfing the internet on your phone. Although, you regret your actions later on. Love after marriage sounds difficult, but it is happening with you throughout the day.

Remedy:- For a successful professional life, share and eat almonds soaked overnight.


Extra careful about your health especially blood pressure patients. Lack of money can be the reason for discord in the family today. In such a situation, think well before talking to other family members and seek advice from them. Someone you know might overreact to situations concerning finance, bringing uneasy moments at home. Your beloved brings you immense romantic pleasure even as work pressure occupies your mind Do not enter into any joint venture- as partners will try to take advantage of you. Today, you will use your free time and try to finish the incomplete tasks which were not attended in the past. Today, your life partner will show you all the good feelings he/she has for you in spite of all odds that happened in the recent past.

Remedy:- Use a moderate amount of red chilly while preparing food, for economic well-being.


Your mind will be disturbed by recent events. Meditation and yoga will prove to be beneficial for spiritual as well as physical gains. Do not invest in joint ventures and dubious financial schemes. A good day to revive old contacts and relations. Sudden romantic encounters are foreseen today. Don't promise anything till you are sure you can deliver it. You will definitely take out time for yourself amidst your busy schedule by completing your important tasks. However, you won't be able to utilize this time according to yourself. The health of your spouse may keep you worried.

Remedy:- Feed white rabbit with food for the better financial condition


A beneficial day and you may be able to find relief from a prolonged illness. You should value time and money or else the upcoming time will be full of troubles and challenges. Children might seek your help to complete school projects. Give tiny bits of kindness and love to make it a special day. Friends will heap praises on your as you are able to complete a difficult assignment. Today people will pass compliments-which you have always wanted to hear. If you were feeling cursed for long, this is the day when you will feel blessed.

Remedy:- Prepare sweet Rotis made in Tandoor (clay oven) and distribute among needy people for the good financial condition.


Desert your stubborn attitude for the sake of your happy life as it is a sheer waste of time. You need to talk to your family members today regarding money investment and savings. Their advice will prove to be helpful in improving your financial situation. Your charms and personality will help you make few new friends. The ecstasy of the entire universe is held between the two who are in love. Yes, you are the lucky one. You will benefit from the changes occurring at work. This will be an upsetting day if you jump to conclusions and take unnecessary actions. Eyes tell it all, and you are going to have an emotional eye-to-eye talk with your spouse today.

Remedy:- Mix wheat, whole red lentils, and red vermillion in the water while bathing, for good health.


Maintain your mental health which is a prerequisite for spiritual life. The mind is the gateway of life because everything whether it is good/bad comes through the mind. It helps in solving life problems and endows one with requisite light. A neighbor of yours may come to ask you for a loan today. You are advised to check their credibility before lending money, otherwise, there can be money loss. Today you need to put your intelligence and influence to sort sensitive issues at home. Avoid raising controversial issues, if you happen to go on a date today. Your confidence is growing and advancement is apparent. You will spend a good time with your spouse today but may get into a conflict due to any old, unresolved issue. If you took your spouse on a romantic date today, things will become better in your relationship.

Remedy:- Light a lamp of sesame oil every day for great financial benefits.


Pressure from seniors at the workplace and discord at home might bring some stress- which would disturb your concentration at work. Your idea of ​​saving money for yourself can be accomplished today. Today you will be able to save appropriately. You will make new friends if you get involved in group activities. Love life could be a little tough. You may have to take a major decision in your work. Timely and swift action would give you an edge over others. You can give an ear to your subordinates for some useful suggestions. Travel opportunities should be explored. A stranger might cause a tiff between you and your partner.

Remedy:- Soak green grams overnight. Feed these grams to birds for closer bonds with your lover.