
Tooth ache or stomach upset may create some problems for you. Take a physician's advice to get relief immediately. New contracts might look lucrative but will not bring gains as desired- Do not make hasty decisions when it comes to investing money. Visit to a religious place or to a relative seems likely on your cards. You will be highly sensitive to remarks made by your lover-You need to control your emotions and avoid doing anything that could worsen the situation. Your confidence is growing and advancement is apparent. As a task remains pending at your workplace, due to some reason, you will have to devote your valuable time in the evening. Your married life will get stressed today due to lack of daily needs' fulfillment. It could be about anything like food, cleaning, other household works, etc.

Remedy :- Feed Jaggery (Gur) to cows for improving financial condition.


Health will be perfect despite a hectic day. Try to control your spending- and buy only the essential items today. You should spend your spare time enjoying the company of children-even if you have to go out of your way to make that happen. Likely to feel the presence in absence of your partner. Relatives seem to bring you fresh proposals for growth and prosperity. Do not feel shy when asked for your opinion-as you will be highly appreciated for it. If you were feeling cursed since long, this is the day when you will feel blessed.

Remedy :- Help anyone in need, and share your time, energy, and other emotional and intellectual resources for continuous enhancement in your financial situation.


Take care of your well being otherwise things might take a turn for the worse. Any advice from your father can prove to be beneficial at the workplace. Children could make the day very hard for you. Use affection weapon to keep their interest and avoid any undue stress. Remember love begets love. Secret affairs can ruin your reputation. Your work will be appreciated at work. A beneficial day as things seem to go in your favour and you will be on top of the world. Today, expenses might harm your relationship with your life-partner.

Remedy :- Maintain good health by using pure honey regularly.


Avoid high calorie diet to keep yourself fit and fine Today, seek the blessings of your elders before going out of the house, as it will benefit you. You should spend your spare time enjoying the company of children-even if you have to go out of your way to make that happen. Romance on the card but sensual feelings may erupt which would spoil your relationship. Not a good day to invite your boss and seniors over to your place. You need to work on your shortcomings, and for this, you should make time for yourself. Some of your works might get hampered today due to the disturbed health of your spouse.

Remedy :- Chew cardamom, before meeting with your lover. This will bring in auspiciousness in love life.


Lovely mood of your spouse may brighten your day. Travel for some prove hectic and stressful-but financially rewarding. A day full of happiness when spouse makes efforts to give joy. Handle things properly as mood of your spouse does not sound very good. Your firm commitment will materialize as you achieve your target. You will see your dreams coming true. Don't allow this to go in your head and keep on working hard honestly. You will be able to make time for yourself today despite a busy routine. You can do something creative today in your spare time. Your spouse may disturb a plan or project of yours; don't lose patience.

Remedy :- Wearing pure silver bangle will improve your love life.


You will have to make important decision today- which will make you tensed and highly nervous. Those who are managing their business with their close ones or relatives need to remain very careful today, otherwise financial losses can occur. Unexpected guests crowd your place in the evening. Physical existence is now of no consideration, as you feel yourself into each other in love all the time. Lectures and seminars that you attend today will bring new ideas for growth. A distant relative can visit your house without any prior notice, which can consume most of your time. You will get to know today that why marriages are made in heaven.

Remedy :- Offering to Lord Shiva, seeds of Dhatura (black thorn apple), and attain a fit body and a sound mind.


Fitness and weight loss programs will help you get into better shape. You can acquire money from an unknown source today, which will resolve many of your financial troubles. Children help you complete household jobs. Forgive bitter trifles in your love life. You might get the kind of work today in office, which you always wanted to do. Construction work undertaken today will finish to your satisfaction. Your spouse will come to you with some beautiful words today describing your value in his/her life.

Remedy :- To experience continued growth in business/career, minimize, and if possible avoid, the use of black leather shoes.


A day when rest will be important- As you have been facing lot of mental pressure recently- Recreation and entertainment will help you relax. Those who invest their money in the stock market can suffer losses today. It will be better for you to become attentive and alert regarding your investments. You will find friends supportive-but be careful of what you say. Today your love blooms to show what a beautiful deed you have done. Daydreaming will bring your downfall- Do not count on others to do your work. You can spend your free time at any temple, gurudwara or any religious place today, away from unnecessary troubles and disputes. Your spouse will remind you the time of your teenage today along with some notorious stuff.

Remedy :- For career advancement, chant the twelve names of Ketu


Your fondest dream will materialize. But keep your excitement under control as too much happiness may cause some problems. Those who are managing their business with their close ones or relatives need to remain very careful today, otherwise financial losses can occur. Do not neglect your social life. Take some time from your busy schedule and go out to attend the party with your family. It will not only relieve your pressure but also remove your hesitation. Don't lose heart-failures are quite natural they are the beauty of life. Concentrate on your work and stay clear of emotional confrontations. Listen to the advice given by others-if you really want to be benefited today. You might fight with your spouse today out of your own stress and actually of no reason.

Remedy :- Using black coloured clothing often will ensure a stable and strong love life.


Pessimistic attitude should be avoided because it will not only minimise your chances but will also disturb the harmony of body as well. Today, one of your siblings can borrow money from you. Although you will fulfil their wish, but it can worsen your financial hardships. Relatives from distant place would contact you today. Chances of meeting the loveliest bass in the lake are high on your cards. New proposals will be alluring but it will not be wise to take any hasty decisions. Travel plans if any-might get postponed due to last minute changes in your schedule. Marriage will reach to its best today in your life.

Remedy :- For strong economic status, wash your feet before eating, and if this is not possible, remove footwear while eating.


Pleasure trip with your friends or family members makes you relaxed Today, one of your siblings can borrow money from you. Although you will fulfil their wish, but it can worsen your financial hardships. Domestic work will be tiring and become a major cause for mental stress. Love pangs will unable you to sleep today. Don't promise anything till you are sure you can deliver it. Favourable planets will bring you plenty of reasons to feel pleased today. A relative might give you a surprise today, but it might disturb your plan.

Remedy :- Wear shoes with a combination of black and white colours and build a strong financial life.


Your hope will bloom like a rich delicate fragrant and dazzling flower. Due to the placement of the Moon, your money can be spent on unnecessary things. If you wish to accumulate wealth, then talk to your spouse or parents about it. Get everybody to your big party-You'll have that extra bit of energy today which will make you organize events for your group. You are likely to be misunderstood in lover affair. Don't get offended if your partners do not keep to their promise-You need to sit down and talk to sort matters. If you have been waiting for a long time for interesting things to happen in your life- then you are sure to find some relief. You might feel suffocated in your married life due to lack of comfort today. All you need is to have a good talk.

Remedy :- Make extensive use of Gangajal (holy water) at home to improve your financial condition.