
As food owes its flavor to salt-some unhappiness is essential only that you realize the value of happiness. Investment concerning your residence will be profitable. Old friends would be supportive and helpful. Beloved will be in a romantic mood. You can spend your free time at the house of someone close to you in the evening. But during this time, you can feel bad about something said by them and come back earlier than expected. Today, you will forget all the hardships of your life with the love of your spouse. You have a world of your own beyond your relationships, and today you can explore that reality.

Remedy:- Health will benefit from the usage of scented items/articles.


Unwanted thoughts may occupy your mind. Try to engage yourself in physical exercise because an empty brain is a devil's workshop. Married couples may have to spend a lot of money on the education of their children today. The health of some female members in the family may cause worries. Romantic feelings will be reciprocated today. People of this zodiac sign need to take out time for themselves today, as excessive work can mentally stress you out. Your spouse is truly your angel, and you will know this today. Don't worry about what other people think or perceive about you. Just make sure to make the right decisions, and nothing will come your way.

Remedy:- Sun is the planet that represents discipline. Hence, living a disciplined life will automatically bring cheer to the family.


Your smile will work as a trouble-shooter against depression. You may witness a tremendous profit in business today. You can give new heights to your business today. Some of you are likely to purchase jewelry or a home appliance. Chances of meeting an interesting person on the card. Boundless creativity and enthusiasm lead you to another beneficial day. Today, you will fall in love with your spouse again. It is going to be an awesome day, as you might go out and watch a movie with your friends.

Remedy:- Offer Sindoor ka Chola for the idol of Hanumanji.


Today you might have to face several tensions and differences of opinion that will make you feel irritated and uneasy. Together with your spouse, you can discuss finances and plan your wealth for your future. Your partners will lose patience if you neglect his/her opinions. Look forward to a new relationship for happiness Today, you can feel happy to find an old item at home and spend the whole day cleaning that stuff. Some think that married life is mostly about fights and sex, but today everything will be serene. You will remain calm at heart, which is why you will be able to create a good atmosphere at home.

Remedy:- Worshipping Goddess Saraswati by offering blue flowers will be beneficial for family life.


Your hope will bloom like a rich delicate fragrant and dazzling flower. Perfect day to purchase items that would grow in value. Good day to communicate with people whom you rarely meet. You are likely to be misunderstood in a love affair. Seminars and exhibitions will provide you with new knowledge and contacts. You might face a difficult time with family members, but at the end of the day, your spouse will caress you. You will forget all your worries today and let your creative side take over you.

Remedy:- Increased love in a relationship can be attained by gifting red clothing material to your girlfriend/boyfriend from time to time.


Money position and financial problems are however a source of tension. You may get into a fight with your spouse today over money-related matters. However, you will fix everything with your calm attitude. Family responsibilities will mount- bringing tension to your mind. A sudden romantic encounter will lift your spirits. A spiritual leader or elder provides guidance. The day is really romantic. With nice food, fragrances, happiness, you will spend an amazing time with your better-half. Visiting a riverbank or a religious place may enhance peace of mind.

Remedy:- To enjoy good health, keep a container filled with milk near your head side, at night. Empty this container the next morning over the nearest tree.


For a contented life improve your mental toughness. If you are going on a trip, then look out for your valuables and bags, as they are likely to be stolen. Especially, keep your purse at a safe place today. Someone you live with will be highly irritated with your recent actions today. Your sweetheart will turn out to be an angel for you today if you shared some love. Today you will get a lot of interesting invitations- and a surprise gift could also be coming your way. You will have a stressful relationship with your spouse and there might be serious discord that will last longer than it should. You can go to a wedding today, but consuming alcohol there can be fatal for you.

Remedy:- For a good financial life, keep green stones in flower pots, keep plants in green bottles, and also have green tiles in the bathroom.


Fear of socializing may unnerve you. Encourage your self-esteem to remove this. You will possess a desire to earn quick money. Be generous in your approach to sort personal matters, but guard your tongue to prevent hurting those who love and care for you. Romance comes your way as friendship turns deeper. Today, you'll understand the importance of relationships as you'll spend the majority of your time with your family members. Your spouse will show his/her angelic side to you today. Today, you can get some bad news from someone living abroad.

Remedy:- Worship Goddess Lakshmi to have a prosperous life.


Your confidence and energy will be high today. You will be presented with many new financial schemes today-Weigh the pros and cons carefully before making any commitment. Appreciate your wife's achievement and rejoice in her success and good fortune. Be generous and sincere in your appreciation. Change your nature to keep falling in love every day. Take advantage of your enormous confidence and go out and make some new contacts and friends. The low health of your spouse might become a hindrance in your work, but you will be able to manage everything somehow. You may have plenty of time today, but do not waste your precious moments by building castles in the air. Doing something concrete will pave your way better for the coming week.

Remedy:- Give up things that are related to meat to keep your thoughts pure.


Health will remain fine despite a busy schedule. You could find yourself in an exciting new situation-which will also bring you financial gains. Work tensions cloud your mind leaving no time for family and friends. Your limitless love is very valuable for your beloved. Today people will pass compliments-which you have always wanted to hear. Your spouse will remind you of the time of your teenage today along with some notorious stuff. Sitting beneath a tree's shade will mentally and physically relax you and make you realize the lessons of life.

Remedy:- Donate food, meats, sweets, and mirror to needy persons in a bamboo basket for excellent growth in career.


Maintain your mental health which is a prerequisite for spiritual life. The mind is the gateway to life because everything whether it is good/bad comes through the mind. It helps in solving life problems and endows one with requisite light. Investment in stocks and mutual funds recommended for long-term gains. Friends will brighten up your day as they plan out something exciting for the evening. Wedding bells for some while others will find romance to keep them in high spirits. The day is good. Hence, along with others, you will be able to make some quality time for yourself. Your spouse will push the rewind button of those early-stage love and romance today. Avoid stepping out of your boundaries while joking with friends, as it can ruin your friendship.

Remedy:- Wear a copper coin in your neck in a red thread, this will keep you energized.


Do not get gloomy and depressed. Explore new investment opportunities that come your way today- but commit yourself only after you have studied the viability of these projects. Evening at the movie-theatre or dinner with your spouse seems to keep you in a relaxed and wonderful mood. Physical existence is now of no consideration, as you feel yourself into each other in love all the time. You should try to understand things in the right manner, otherwise, you'll waste your free time just thinking about such scenarios continuously. Things are really beautiful today in your married life. Plan a wonderful evening for your spouse. You need to find a reliable solution to your life problems by yourself, as others can only provide you with advice and suggestions.

Remedy:- Perform Surya Namaskar, twelve Sun Salutation exercises, along with the rising sun or early morning sun for great health.