
Your personality will act like perfume today. Finances improve later in the day. Your witty nature will make you popular at social gatherings. Your devoted and unquestioned love has a magic creative power. You would be appreciated for your ability to act swiftly during the need of the hour. You can spend your time with a friend of yours today, but you must avoid consuming alcohol during this time, as it is just a waste of time. You know what, your spouse is truly your angel. Don't believe us? Observe and experience it today.

Remedy:- Wearing a Bronze coin looped in a green thread will prove to be auspicious for professional life.


Avoid a high-calorie diet and stick to your exercise. Financially, you will remain strong. Due to the benefic placement of planets and nakshatras, you'll come across numerous opportunities to earn money today. Go out in the evening with friends- as it will do a lot of good. Unnecessary suspicion and doubt spoil the relationship. This is the reason why you must never doubt your beloved, and in case you feel strongly about something that's eating you up, then sit with them and try to find a solution. Work at the office will gain momentum as colleagues and seniors extend full cooperation. To properly utilize your free time, you should get away from people and do what you love. Doing this will also bring some positive changes in your life. Your spouse might doubt your loyalty due to your hectic schedule, but at the end of the day he/she will understand and give you a hug.

Remedy:- For excellent health benefits feed Rotis to the white cow.


Your swift action will solve your longstanding problem. You need to talk to your family members today regarding money investment and savings. Their advice will prove to be helpful in improving your financial situation. Someone you live with will be annoyed if you have been ignoring your household duties. Your energy levels will be high- as your beloved seems to bring you immense happiness. Your rivals at work will get the result of their bad deeds today. You can spend your time with a friend of yours today, but you must avoid consuming alcohol during this time, as it is just a waste of time. Today, you will spend the best time of your life with your spouse.

Remedy:- Place the conch shell in the pooja ghar or altar and worship it daily for good financial life.


If you haven't been taking sufficient rest then you will feel extremely tired and will need extra rest. Avoid any long-term investments and try to go out and spend some pleasant moments with your good friend. News of inheritance of an ancestor's property would make the entire family happy. Try to coax your partner into understanding, otherwise, you might get in trouble. Those connected with art and theatre will find several new opportunities to give their creative best. You must avoid gossiping with people today, as it eats up most of your time. Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars, but it's the day when Venus and Mars will melt into each other.

Remedy:- Feed seven types of whole grains to birds and attain excellent health.


Outdoor activities will benefit you. Loving in a fortress lifestyle and always concerning about security will only hamper your physical as well as your mental growth. It will also make you a nervous person. Lack of money can be the reason for discord in the family today. In such a situation, think well before talking to other family members and seek advice from them. The health of an infant might cause some concern. The absence of love may be felt today. You will be honored for some of your good deeds today at work. Many times, you don't realize where the time has gone once you start surfing the internet on your phone. Although, you regret your actions later on. Your neighbors might try to trouble your married life, but it's difficult to shake your bond with each other.

Remedy:- Donate battery-run toys and dolls to poor and needy children.


Sheer pleasure and enjoyment for those venturing out to have fun. Your efforts to save money can fail today. Although you do not have to worry about it, the situation will soon improve. Repair work at home or social get-togethers likely to keep you busy. Romance rules your heart. You need to focus on your way of working to get good results at the workplace, otherwise, your negative image can get created in the eyes of your boss. While keeping up with time, giving importance to your family members is necessary. Even though you will understand this today, but still won't be able to succeed. If you were craving the love of your spouse, the day will bless you.

Remedy:- Make your financial life strong by honoring sister, daughter, and aunt (both maternal and paternal)


Take special care while sitting to avoid an injury. Further good posture not only enhances one's personality but also plays an important role in improving health and confidence. Even though funds will slip easily through your fingers- your lucky stars will keep the finances flowing. Activities with friends will be enjoyable- but do not volunteer to spend- otherwise, you will reach home with empty pockets. Your romantic relationship will suffer today. Pending projects and plans move to take a final shape. Those who live away from their home would prefer to spend their free time in a park or quiet place in the evening after completing their chores. You might feel annoyed by your spouse due to off mood.

Remedy:- Always keep a picture of Lord Ganesha to make the love relation with girlfriend/boyfriend strong.


Do not allow the feeling of frustration to overtake you. Today, you are likely to attain economic benefits due to your children. This will make you very happy. Work hard for the welfare of your family. Your actions should be dictated by love and positive vision and not by greed. Exciting day as you receive a call from your beloved. Associate today with experienced people and learn from what they have to say. You must avoid gossiping with people today, as it eats up most of your time. Your spouse will be full of energy and love today.

Remedy:- Donate barley, radish, and black mustard seeds to needy people and be healthy.


Your enormous confidence and easy work schedule bring you enough time to relax today. You are most likely to attain financial profits today at night because any money lent before will come back instantly. Today you move with new excitement and confidence as you receive support from your family members as well as friends. Your sweetheart will turn out to be an angel for you today if you shared some love. With little obstacles-this seems to be a day of great achievements- Watch for colleagues who might tend to be moody if they don't get what they want. Today you should focus on important issues. Physical intimacy will be at its best with your spouse today.

Remedy:- To enjoy a profitable professional life, feed green leafy vegetables to cows.


Health will be perfect today. Today, seek the blessings of your elders before going out of the house, as it will benefit you. Family needs and requirements get neglected as you overstrain at work place You will never forget this day in your entire life if you didn't lose the opportunity of making love today. Adapt to new techniques to increase your work efficiency-Your style and unique ways of doing things will interest people who are watching you closely. During the night today, you would like to get away from your home and take a walk on the terrace or in a park. If you and your spouse are not feeling very happy these days, you are going to have mad fun today.

Remedy:- From time to time, gift brothers red-colored clothing material and other gifts, for smooth family life.


Health remains good. Today, you are likely to attain economic benefits due to your children. This will make you very happy. Social events will be the perfect opportunity to improve your rapport with influential and important people. You will never forget this day in your entire life if you didn't lose the opportunity of making love today. Take care of what happens around you- Someone might take credit for the work done by you today. You must avoid gossiping with people today, as it eats up most of your time. Life is going to be really wonderful today because your spouse has planned something special.

Remedy:- Wear shoes of reddish hue for fast growth in job and business.


Your frank and fearless views could hurt the vanity of your friend. Those who are married may have to spend a lot of money on the education of their children today. You will be able to clear all outstanding family debts. Your rough attitude towards the person you love a lot can bring disharmony to the relationship. Everyone will love and support you at work today. You can remain free the whole day and watch as many movies and programs on TV as you want. Today, expenses might harm your relationship with your life-partner.

Remedy:- Worship the banana tree, and light ghee lamps near this tree on Thursdays, for a fulfilling love life.