"After Taapsee and Aarti Bajaj, Radhika Apte comes forward in support of Anurag Kashyap".

he film 'Manmarziyaan' also defended the director and wrote,

Actress Payal Ghosh on Saturday accused filmmaker Anurag Kashyap of forcing himself on her six years back. She tweeted to PM Modi and urged him to take action against him. Soon after these allegations were imposed on him, many celebrities came forward in support of the director.

Calling him a very close friend, Radhika Apte took to her social media account and wrote, "@anuragkashyap10 you have been one of my closest friends, you have inspired me and always supported me. You have always treated me as an equal and I cherish the mutual love and respect we have for each other. I have always felt immensely secure in your presence since the day I've known you. You have been and always will be my trusted friend. Love Ya"
Before Radhika, Taapsee who has worked with Anurag in the film 'Manmarziyaan' also defended the director and wrote, "For you, my friend, are the biggest feminist I know. See you on the sets soon of yet another piece of art that shows how powerful and significant women are in the world you create:) "

Calling it as the 'cheapest stunt' ever, Anurag's ex-wife Aarti Bajaj also came forward to support him. She wrote, "The first wife here...You are a rockstar anuragkashyap10. Keep empowering women as you do and the safest place you create for all of them. I see it first hand with our daughter. There is no integrity left and the world is full of losers and no brains baying for the blood of anyone who has a voice. If everybody spends the energy which they use in hating others constructively this world will be a better place. The cheapest stunt I have seen till now. First, it made me angry then I laughed so hard as it cannot come more framed than this. I am sorry that you have to go through this. That’s the level of them. You stay HIGH and keep using your voice. We love you."
Apart from these actresses, directors like Anubhav Sinha and Hansal Mehta also took to their social media to show their support for their friend.
Meanwhile, Anurag has completely denied these allegations and has called them baseless.


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