"Bollywood Rejoices As Paresh Rawal Is Appointed NSD Chairman".

Actor Urmila Matondkar shared, "Congratulations @SirPareshRawal actor par excellence,

For veteran actor Paresh Rawal it’s quite a blissful moment, as he has been appointed as the new chairman of the National School of Drama (NSD).
Bollywood celebrities like Riteish Deshmukh, Ashoke Pandit, Urmila Matondkar to celebrate this moment showered their wishes on actor Paresh Rawal. They took to their twitter handle and congratulated the actor. The following are the tweets by celebrities.

Actor Riteish Deshmukh shared, "Congratulations Paresh Bhai @SirPareshRawal on being appointed as the Chairman of National School of Drama. @nsd_india - Best wishes"
Filmmaker Ashoke Pandit also extended best wishes to the actor and said, "Heartiest Congratulations & all the very best to my dear friend @SirPareshRawal A theatre, for being appointed as the Chief of @nsd_india. Your immense knowledge in the field of theatre, television & cinema will really be an asset to the institution"

Actor Urmila Matondkar shared, "Congratulations @SirPareshRawal actor par excellence, on being appointed as chairperson of National School of Drama"
Paresh Rawal will be taking over the position of chairman from prominent theatre artist Arjun Deo Charan who is chairing it at present.
As per the reports, the earlier NSD chairman appointed caused quite a scandal, and the media had a field day. The President of India, Ram Nath Kovind appointed Rawal as the next chairman of NSD.