National Lemon Juice Day

Lemon Juice Day: August 29th​​​​​​​

Lemons have been used for a variety of purposes over the years. National Lemon Juice Day is celebrated every year on August 29th. In 1493, Christopher Columbus brought lemons to the new world. This sour fruit may be hard to taste all on its own, but it’s a versatile addition to many of our favorite drinks, dishes, and even in wellness products. Because of its so many benefits and such versatility makes to celebrate Lemon Juice Day. 

Lemon juice, which contains 5% to 6% citric acid, has many health benefits. It has antibacterial properties and is high in vitamin C and strengthens the immune system. Warm water with lemon juice can reduce fever, and lemon juice with honey can help cure a sore throat. The aroma of lemon juice may help with relaxation and concentration. 

Lemon is one of the main ingredients in summer juice and Indian food practice, especially in non-veg preparations.

However, lemon juice has so many uses. But not only just drink the juice: use the oil from the lemon rind to make a nontoxic insect repellant or spray. The juice on your hair to make it shiny, lighter, beachier color