"Sushant Singh Rajput's sister Shweta Singh Kirti is back on Social Media".

Shweta Singh Kirti has been on the forefront ever since the demise of his brother.

There was a big buzz on Wednesday when Sushant Singh Rajput's sister Shweta Singh Kirti's social media accounts were deactivated. Sushant's fans who are fighting for justice for the late actor got puzzled with it as they were not clear if she had deactivated her accounts or she had quit social media. Finally, Shweta is back on Social Media as her accounts are now once again accessible to all.
Shweta Singh Kirti has been on the forefront ever since the demise of his brother. Sushant was found dead in his Bandra apartment on 14th June 2020 and yesterday marked four months since his sad demise. She has been fighting ever since for the justice with #JusticeforSSR campaign.
After reactivating all her accounts on social media, she tweeted, "Sorry, there were multiple login attempts being made on my social media accounts so had to deactivate them." Her come back on the social media gave a sigh of relief to all SSR fans who now call them as SSR warriors. They expressed their element on her comeback.
Over the last four months, Shweta has been urging SSR's fans to not lose hope and stand united in this fight for justice for Sushant. People all over the world have joined the campaign started by her and they have been planting trees and feeding the hungry in the memory of the late actor.
The latest update on Sushant's case is that the CBI investigation has been completed and no conspiracy evidence has been found. CBI will soon submit their report in the CBI court of Patna.


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