Try to avoid a long journeys as you are too weak to travel. Financial hassles seem to get over as your parents extend support. It is high time to change your dominating attitude in family. Work in close cooperation with them to share the ups and downs of life. Your changed attitude will give them unlimited joy. Your partner thinks well of you, which is why s/he gets angry at you at times. Instead of responding back, it would be better to understand their words and where they are coming from. Tact will be required while handling colleagues. The day is great. Take time out for yourself today and evaluate your shortcomings. This will bring positive changes in your personality. You might get stressed due to the decrementing health of your spouse today.
Remedy:- Pour water in money plant
You are likely to impress people around you with your positive outlook and confidence. Your dedication and hard work will get noticed and will bring some financial rewards for you today. A friend would be helpful and highly supportive. Only by clearly understanding you can give emotional support to your wife. Others might demand too much of your time- Before you make any commitment towards them make sure that your work is not affected and also they are not taking advantage of your kindness and generosity. Today people will pass compliments-which you have always wanted to hear. Today, you will get ample of opportunities to cherish the ecstasy of married life.
Remedy:- For a thriving profession, wash the entrance of your home with clean water early in the morning.
Today you are under a magic spell of hope. You are very likely to attain financial benefits today, but you must perform charity and make donations, as it will acquire mental peace. Relations with your spouse will get strained due to your over-involvement in office work. Show your love by placing flowers at your window. You will be honored for some of your good deeds today at work. You will think of doing something new in your free time today. However, you will be so occupied with this task that all other things will take a backseat. The day might become one of the best days of your married life.
Remedy:- Donate milk at Lord Bhairava temples, and increase family happiness.
You will remain very active and agile today. Your health will fully support you today. Wise investments will only fetch returns- therefore be sure where you put your hard-earned money. Good time to get involved in activities that include youngsters. Love life may be controversial today. Female colleagues will be helpful in completing new jobs. Children of this zodiac sign will spend their entire day playing sports. Parents should pay attention to them, as they may get injured. Your life-partner might give less care and importance to your family members as compared to his/her family members in times of need today.
Remedy:- For a fulfilling love life, never indulge in cruelty towards animals. Also, ensure that you and your lover are vegetarian by choice. This will greatly enhance your love life.
Creative hobbies will keep you relaxed. You are very likely to attain monetary benefits from your mother's side today. It is possible for your maternal uncle or maternal grandfather to help you financially. The health of an aged person in the family might cause some tension. Wedding bells for some while others will find romance to keep them in high spirits. Natives who have a creative job can face various problems today. You can realize the importance of a job over creative work. Students of this zodiac sign may find it difficult to concentrate on their studies today. Also, you can waste your precious time on friends. This is going to be the best day of your married life. You will experience the true ecstasy of love.
Remedy:- Donate Barley, equivalent to your weight, to a goshala or cowshed for bliss and peace in family life.
Victory celebrations will give you tremendous joy. You can share this happiness with friends to enjoy your joy. Any issues related to money can get solved today and you can attain financial benefits. Children cause some disappointment as they spend more time on outdoor activities than planning their careers. Resolve your long-standing quarrel today as tomorrow may be very late. Enroll yourself in short-term programs that will help you learn the latest technologies and skills. Those who were very busy for the last few days will finally get to enjoy their own time. The behavior of your spouse might disturb your professional relations today.
Remedy:- For more bliss and peace in your love life, gift a silver ring to your partner.
Some unavoidable circumstances can give you some uneasiness. But you must try to keep your poise and should not react immediately to tackle the situation. The investment made today will enhance your prosperity and financial security. In a happy-energetic-loving mood-your jovial nature brings joy and happiness to those around you. Sex appeal gives the desired result Pressure at work and home might make you short-tempered. You can be upset at your workplace due to some problems and waste your time thinking about it. The day is really great for your married life. Let your partner know how much you love him/her.
Remedy:- Offering water to Peepal trees and circumambulating it, especially on Saturdays, will be highly beneficial for health.
Health will be perfect today. Real estate investment would be lucrative. Someone you know might overreact to situations concerning finance, bringing uneasy moments at home. Your soulmate will think about you all day. Partners will be enthusiastic about your new plans and ventures. Be original in your conversation as putting up an act would get you nowhere. The series of disagreements will take its toll and you will find it very difficult to reconcile with your spouse.
Remedy:- For great peace and happiness in the family, offer milk at Bhairav temple.
Try to control your impulsive and stubborn nature especially at the party as it may spoil the mood at the party. You should refrain from consuming alcohol or any such item today, as you may lose your items in a toxic state. Old contacts and friends would be helpful Don't disappoint your lover today- as it will leave you repenting later. You would be appreciated for your ability to act swiftly during the need of the hour. Seminars and exhibitions will provide you with new knowledge and contacts. Your bad mood will be lifted up by your life-partner with some special surprises.
Remedy:- Feed a white rabbit with food for the better financial condition
Outdoor sports will attract you-Meditation and yoga will bring gains. Today, you can come across a person at a party who can give you some important advice to strengthen your economic side. Your involvement in others affairs should be avoided today. Wedding bells for some while others will find romance to keep them in high spirits. New proposals will be alluring but it will not be wise to take any hasty decisions. Resist associating with people that will harm your reputation. This is going to be the best day of your married life. You will experience the true ecstasy of love.
Remedy:- Keep a square piece of Silver with you or wear it around the neck to gain family bliss.
Give every man an ear you might find a solution to your problems. Traders and Businessmen who have relations with foreign countries are likely to lose money today, so think carefully before taking any step forward. A day full of happiness when a spouse makes efforts to give joy. Your lover may get hurt about something you had said. Before they get angry with you, realize your mistake and makeup with them. Today your artistic and creative ability will attract a lot of appreciation and bring you unexpected rewards. Today, you can spend a whole day by yourself in a room reading a book. That would be your perfect idea of spending a day together. Today, you will realize that how much you mean to your better-half.
Remedy:- Showing care and compassion, helping, and serving differently-enabled and physically-challenged persons will invariably help in great financial growth.
The health of your spouse may cause reason for stress and anxiety. It is possible for you to face money-related problems today, but with your understanding and wisdom, you can turn the tables and transform your loss into profit. A family get-together will see you occupy the center stage. Your day could be a little upset because of the interruptions of family members of your spouse. Today will be a very active and highly social day for you all- People will look up to you for advice and will simply agree with anything that comes out of your mouth. Today you would be full of good ideas and your choice of activities will bring you gains far beyond your expectations. Your spouse might stop fulfilling your daily needs today, which will ultimately upset your mood.
Remedy:- Offering to Lord Shiva, seeds of Dhatura (black thorn apple), and attain a fit body and a sound mind.