Try to get out of your office early for some recreation. Money can be required anytime, so plan your finances and start saving now as much as possible. Children will make you feel proud of their achievements. Somebody may come between your love today. Someone at work might try to disrupt your plans- therefore keep a watchful eye to what is happening around you. Do not feel shy when asked for your opinion-as you will be highly appreciated for it. Your days' planning might get disturbed due to your spouse's urgent work, but at last, you will realize that it happened for good.
Remedy:- Accept rice and silver from your mother and keep it in your home to improve your financial condition.
You are likely to enjoy the success of other people by praising them. Those who are married may have to spend a lot of money on the education of their children today. The spouse remains cooperative despite your erratic behavior. All those complaints and grudges in your relationship will vanish on this amazing day. You can double your output- if you concentrate on your work. Your ability to help those in need will bring you respect. Today, your spouse will make you feel that you are the only one in the world.
Remedy:- Offer jasmine oil, vermillion, silver-foiled Chola (Chandi Ka War) to Lord Hanuman, and enjoy excellent health.
You will remain very active and agile today. Your health will fully support you today. Economically, today is going to be a mixed day. You can acquire monetary profits today, provided you word really hard. Today if you try to force any decision on people you know- you will only end up harming your own interest- Handling situation patiently is the only way towards favorable results. Control your passion it may put your love affair in jeopardy. Part-time jobs for some. After completing household chores, housewives of this zodiac sign can watch a movie on TV or get engaged in their mobile phones in the free time today. You might feel suffocated in your married life due to a lack of comfort today. All you need is to have a good talk.
Remedy:- Maintain family happiness by worshipping Lord Shiva, Lord Bhairav, and Lord Hanuman.
Likely to face some setback as you are unable to go in an important assignment due to health problems. But use your rationale to propel you. Keep your anger under control and treat everyone in the office nicely. Deviating from this path can cost you your job, thereby directly deteriorating your financial situation. Think before sharing your confidential information with your spouse. If possible, try to avoid it as she might reveal it to someone else. Avoid raising controversial issues, if you happen to go on a date today. You will have problems convincing your partners to stick to your plans. You will make up your mind to do some of your favorite things today but won't be able to do so due to the abundance of work. Marriage is not just about living under one roof. It's very important to spend some time with your partner.
Remedy:- Keep water in a Copper vessel near bedside at night, and next morning, pour this water at the root of the nearest tree, for excellent health benefits.
Sheer pleasure and enjoyment for those venturing out to have fun. Surplus money should be invested in real estate. This is the perfect day to attract the attention of others without doing much on your side. You may burn slowly but steadily in love. A new partnership would be promising today. Before starting any new task or project, talk to those who have gained ample experience in that field. If you have time today, meet them and seek their suggestions and advice. You might get stressed due to the decrementing health of your spouse today.
Remedy:- For your love life to run smoothly, gift your lover white flowers (jasmine, chrysanthemum, roses, carnations, etc.) whenever you meet them.
You are likely to impress people around you with your positive outlook and confidence. A neighbor of yours may come to ask you for a loan today. You are advised to check their credibility before lending money, otherwise there can be money loss. A favorable day for domestic matters and finishing pending household jobs. Your mind would be too preoccupied with the thoughts of your lover today! Today is a day for high performance and high profile. To properly utilize your free time, you should get away from people and do what you love. Doing this you will also bring some positive changes in your life. The day will provide you a respite after a difficult phase in married life.
Remedy:- Always keep a piece of silver or silver coin in your pocket/person to gain a good amount of money.
A very good day from a health point of view. Your cheerful state of mind will give you the desired tonic and keep you confident. Wise investments will only fetch returns- therefore be sure where you put your hard-earned money. Try not to say the wrong things at the wrong time-Be careful not to hurt the ones you love. You are likely to be misunderstood in the love affair. Partnership projects will create more problems than positive results- You will be especially angry with yourself for allowing someone to take advantage of you. Disenchanted by money, love, or family, you can go to meet a spiritual teacher today in search of divine pleasure. After a heated argument during the day, you will spend a wonderful evening with your spouse.
Remedy:- Help needy and poor girls when they are getting married by gifting them silk clothes and bring enhancement to your professional condition.
You will be loaded with energy and will do something extraordinary today. Monetary gains will be from various sources. Friends and family members provide you with assistance and love. Your day could be a little upset because of the interruptions of family members of your spouse. If you consider applying for a job overseas- then today seems to be a lucky day. Today, you will plan to spend time with your spouse and take them out somewhere, but won't be able to do so due to his/her ill-health. Your spouse might affect your reputation a little bit adversely today.
Remedy:- Chew cardamom, before meeting with your lover. This will bring inauspiciousness in love life.
Your doubting nature may show you the face of defeat. All the money you had invested in the past to make your future prosperous will reap fruitful results today. Avoid arguments and confrontations and needless fault finding in others. Have you ever smelled chocolate with ginger and roses? Your love life is going to taste like that today. Get involved in jobs which are of creative nature. You should leave the company of such people you think are not right for you and wasting your time as well. Today, your innocent acts of your spouse will make your day fabulous!
Remedy:- To enjoy a profitable professional life, feed green leafy vegetables to cows.
Remain calm-tension free today. Long pending arrears and dues will finally be recovered. The health of an elderly person causes some worry. Your sweetheart is going to become your living angel today; cherish the moments. Try not to force others to do things that you won't do. Today is one of those days when things will not move the way you want. After many ups and downs in your married life, today is the golden day to cherish your love for each other.
Remedy:- Obtain family pleasure by donating pure Ghee and camphor at religious places.
Be optimistic and look at the brighter side. Your confident expectations open the door for the realization of your hopes and desires. Your efforts to save money can fail today. Although you do not have to worry about it, as the situation will soon improve. Your friends might let you down at a moment when you need them the most. A marriage proposal as your love life may turn into life long bond. Do not enter into any joint venture- as partners will try to take advantage of you. You can spend your time with a friend of yours today, but you must avoid consuming alcohol during this time, as it is just a waste of time. People around you might do something that will make your life-partner fall for you again.
Remedy:- For continuous inflow of money, avoid having bananas on Thursdays.
Mold your thoughts to some positive thinking as you fight the fearsome monster of fear otherwise you would become the passive and unrelenting victim of this archdemon. The economic side is likely to strengthen. If you had lent money to a person, you are expected to get that money back today. Unexpected news from children brings happy moments. Somebody may come between your love today. Don't let pride come in the way of making decisions- listen to what subordinates have to say. Do not be afraid to say what's on your mind. You might feel a lack of attention from your spouse, but at the end of the day, you will realize that he/she was busy just for making the arrangements for you.
Remedy:- Wear a bangle made up of bronze/brass for maintaining good health.