Blood pressure patients should be extra careful about their health while traveling in a crowded bus. You are very likely to attain financial benefits today, but you must perform charity and make donations, as it will acquire mental peace. Have fun with friends and relatives. You can experience the pain of love. Lectures and seminars that you attend today will bring new ideas for growth. A sparkling laughter filled day when most things proceed-as you desire. You might get irritated by your life-partner's babbling today, but he/she will do something really great for you.
Remedy:- Worshipping the Banana tree and lighting a ghee lamp.diya on Thursdays near this tree will be auspicious from the health point of view.
You will find yourself with less energy than you generally do-Don't overload yourself with additional work-Take some rest and reschedule your appointments for another day. New sources of income will generate through people you know. You will be in the mood to celebrate and will enjoy spending money on family members and friends. Plant a sapling today. Your aptitude to learn new things would be remarkable. Today, you can spend a whole day by yourself in a room reading a book. That would be your perfect idea of spending a day together. Your spouse might affect your reputation a little bit adversely today.
Remedy:- For the betterment of health, string black, and white pearls, and wear around the neck.
Your hope will bloom like a rich delicate fragrant and dazzling flower. You are most likely to attain financial profits today at night because as any money lent before will come back instantly. Children need to concentrate on studies and plans for the future. Could experience the pleasure of love. Work at the office will gain momentum as colleagues and seniors extend full cooperation. Pending problems need to get sorted out soon and you know that you have to start somewhere- so think positively and start putting efforts today. Your efforts to make marital life better will show you the colors better than expectations today.
Remedy:- Bronze coin with a hole can be tossed in the water for an increase in the happiness of family members.
Your personality will act like a perfume today. Today, with the help of a close friend, some businessmen are likely to gain monetary benefits. This money can overcome many of your troubles. A family get-together will see you occupy the center stage. Don't allow your romantic views to be aired. You'll soon have a new and better public image if you show your skills and talents to the right people. Seminars and exhibitions will provide you with new knowledge and contacts. After a bad phase of misunderstanding, the day will bless you with the love of your spouse in the evening.
Remedy:- Help and serve visually-challenged persons and see positive magic spread in your love life.
Today your confidence will grow and advancement is certain. You will make good money today- but the rise in expenses will make it difficult for you to save. Your domestic scene will be somewhat unpredictable. Don't wear those clothes which your lover doesn't like as it may offend him. Your hard work will show colors today at work. Travel and educational pursuits will enhance your awareness. Too many expectations today might lead you toward sadness in married life.
Remedy:- Offer your respects and donate raw turmeric, five peepal leaves, 1.25 kgs of yellow pulses, saffron, a sunflower, and yellow clothes/fabric to a Brahmin for preserving family happiness.
Don't waste your time building a castle in the air. Rather conserve your energy to do something meaningful. Certain important plans will be executed bringing you fresh financial gains. Your children would do their best to keep you happy. Your sweetheart is going to become your living angel today; cherish the moments. Someone might treat you today with something nice at work. Resist associating with people that will harm your reputation. Things might come into your favor amazingly when it comes to your married life.
Remedy:- Wear a bangle made up of bronze/brass for maintaining good health.
Friends will introduce you to somebody special who would have a remarkable influence on your thoughts. Today, you may remain worried due to money-related problems. For this, you should consult your trusted confidant. Push problems off your mind and concentrate on improving your position both at home and amongst friends. Travel will promote a romantic connections. You will be in a strong position to put together a team and work toward a collective goal. Outstation travel will not be comfortable-but will help build important contacts. The day is really great for your married life. Let your partner know how much you love him/her.
Remedy:- Improve your monetary conditions by placing reed over windows and doors.
You have to let go of the past if you wish to get out of the sentimental mood that grips you today. Good day for real estate and financial transactions. Children could disappoint as they fail to live up to your expectations. You need to encourage them to see your dream fulfilling. Romantic memories will occupy your day. Today will be a very active and highly social day for you all- People will look up to you for advice and will simply agree with anything that comes out of your mouth. After completing household chores, housewives of this zodiac sign can watch a movie on TV or get engaged in their mobile phones in the free time today. Your spouse will come to you with some beautiful words today describing your value in his/her life.
Remedy :- Chanting पलाशपुष्पसंकाशं तारकाग्रहमस्तकम्। रौद्रंरौद्रत्मकं घोरं तं केतुं प्रणमाम्यहम।। (Palasha Pushpa Sanghasham, Taaraka Graha Mastakam; Roudram Roudraathmakam Ghoram, Tam Ketum Pranamaamyaham) 11 times
Your kind nature will bring many happy moments today. Any of your movable property can get stolen today. Hence, you need to take good care of them. People close might take undue advantage of you- if you behave extra generous. Brighten the day of your lover with a lovely smile. New ventures will be alluring and promise good returns. Disenchanted by money, love, or family, you can go to meet a spiritual teacher today in search of divine pleasure. You will experience the best day of your married life today.
Remedy:- For improving finances, avoid traits such as envy and jealousy.
Share the family problems with your wife. Spend some amount of time for each other to rediscover and reaffirm yourself as a loving nurturant couple. Your children too will catch the vibrations of joys and peace harmony at home. This will give you greater spontaneity and freedom in your interaction with each other. Those who are managing their business with their close ones or relatives need to remain very careful today, otherwise, financial losses can occur. This period is also good for taking your parents into confidence regarding your new projects and plans. Chances of meeting an interesting person on the card. You might get compliments at work. Travel-entertainment and socializing would be on your agenda today. Your spouse will do something really special for you today.
Remedy:- Having show-piece items/idols/curios made with the use of POP (plaster of Paris) will result in excellent health.
Don't waste your energies in arguing something unnecessary. Remind yourself that you never gain anything from an argument but lose something. The money position improves as delayed payments are recovered. People will give you new hopes and dreams-but lots will depend on your own efforts. Your day could be a little upset because of the interruptions of family members of your spouse. Don't waste your precious time in just making plans- but move and start implementing these plans as well. Today you can spend some quality time with your spouse by taking a break from your work. Things might go out of your control in your married life today.
Remedy:- Flow/offer white flowers with some money in water to obtain the auspicious benefits for health.
Keep your patience as your continuous effort coupled with common sense and understanding will guarantee your success. Improvement in finances will make it convenient for you to purchase essential items. Your stubborn nature could mar the peace of your parents. You need to give heed to their advice. Better to be obedient to save all from offending. Don't give up on the emotional demands of your lover. You should work on projects- which have long-term benefits. Your magnetic-outgoing personality will capture hearts. Today, expenses might harm your relationship with your life-partner.
Remedy:- Keep black or white marbles/pebbles in pots of plants to gain happiness in family life.