Sunny Pawar bags Best Child Actor award at New York Indian Film Festival, for Chippa.
Actor Sunny Pawar has bagged the Best Child Actor award for Chippa at the 19th New York Indian Film Festival. For his role in the Safdar Rahman directed coming-of-age film ‘Chippa’, which is based on a story where a boy leaves his home to find his long-absent father. On his way, he finds a puppy and later he finds his father.”
The 11-year-old, who hails from a slum in Kunchi Kurve Nagar in Mumbai, shot to fame with Australian director Garth Davis’ acclaimed 2016 film Lion starring Dev Patel in the lead role. Expressing happiness over his achievement, Sunny said, I am very happy. This is all due to my parents. I want to be a big actor like Rajinikanth and want to make my parents proud. I want to work in both Bollywood and Hollywood. I never imagined that I will get to visit London, New York.”
Speaking about his son’s extraordinary journey, Sunny’s father said, “My son has been in the acting field for the past five years and has been to America, Australia, London and China. He got an opportunity to visit the White House, met big ministers and celebrities, I am so proud of him.”