"Luvenia Lodh is maligning us to get lucrative out of court settlement in her matrimonial dispute says, Mukesh Bhatt".


Bollywood actress Luviena Lodh had posted a video on Instagram last week, claiming that filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt has been harassing her and that she has filed for divorce from the filmmaker’s nephew Sumit Sabherwal, since he supplies drugs. Reacting to Lodh’s claims, film producer Mukesh Bhatt has said that she is maligning him and his brother Mahesh Bhatt to get lucrative out of court settlement in her matrimonial dispute with Sumit Sabharwal.

Luvenia Lodh, who is married to filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt's nephew, Sumit Sabharwal, recently made some shocking revelations about Bhatt in her one minute and a 48-second video. The actress stated that she filed her divorce after learning that her husband Sumit supplies drugs to actors like Amyra Dastur and Sapna Pabbi.

Adding that Bhatt is aware of it all, Luvenia further alleged, 'Mahesh Bhatt is the biggest don of the industry if you don't play by his rules, he spoils your career and life and, now, he has been harassing her'. She further claimed that despite her multiple attempts, police haven't registered her complaint. Furthermore, she stated if anything happens to her or her family, Mahesh Bhatt, Mukesh Bhatt, Sumit Sabharwal, Sahil Sehgal, and Kumkum Sehgal will be responsible for it.

Reaction to Lodh’s claims, Mukesh Bhatt said, “As mentioned in our defamation plaint submitted in the courts today, that Mr. Sumit Sabharwal is only an employee in my production company Vishesh Films for over 20 years as opposed to Ms. Luviena Lodh’s claims that he is our relative in various media reports and publications.”

He further added, “Ms. Luviena Lodh has consciously and maliciously orchestrated a campaign along with her benefactors to nefariously defame and besmirch the good name and reputation of my brother and myself with the sole and ulterior motive to garner publicity in the hopes that the same would motivate a lucrative out of court settlement in her matrimonial dispute with Sumit. We have the highest faith in our judicial system and intend to see this suit to its logical end.”

Sumit’s lawyer also clarified that he was only an employee of Mahesh and Mukhesh Bhatt owned Vishesh films and that all the statements about their relationship were part of a ‘well-crafted conspiracy’. The statement read, “It is made amply clear that our client is merely an employee of M/s Vishesh Films Pvt Ltd and NOT related to either of the Bhatt Brothers, as falsely and maliciously been sought to be made out by the video in the question.”

“Every attempt being made in order to formulate a relationship between our client and the Bhatt brothers must be construed as a well-crafted conspiracy to precipitate and motivate a lucrative 'settlement' for her disputes with our client; as is amply made clear in her interviews as well. Our client has the highest regard for the judiciary of our country and reserves his actionable claims against Mrs. Luviena Lodh for charges as and when he may institute against her.”

Previously, the legal counsel representing Vishesh Films had shared, “With reference to a video released by one Luviena Lodh. We, on behalf of our client Mahesh Bhatt, refute the allegations. Such allegations are not only false and defamatory but have serious consequences in law. Our client will take such action in accordance with law as advised.”


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"'सुरज पे मंगल भारी':- ग्रेट इंडियन वैंडिग के लिए तैयार हो जाईए! राशी-कुंडली के साथ पूरी हैं मैच मेकिंग। ".