
Mini Mathur gets brutally trolled for defending Baby Doll singer Kanika Kapoor

By desk3Mar 25, 2020, 23:56 IST
Mini Mathur gets brutally trolled for defending Baby Doll singer Kanika Kapoor

Last week Rishi Kapoor and Sonam Kapoor defended Kanika Kapoor, recently Mini Mathur also tried to defend the Bollywood singer but was brutally trolled for the attempt. Kanika Kapoor has been in the headlines for being tested for coronavirus numerous times and also for all the backlash she is receiving on social media.

Mini talked about Kanika Kapoor being accused of negligence and said it seemed like a witch hunt now. She wrote on twitter, ā€œI donā€™t know @TheKanikakapoor personally. But why would anyone put her kids & parents to risk KNOWINGLY? Do I think she was irresponsible & ill informed? YES. Is she criminal & Immoral ? NO. The FIR is like a witch-hunt ! Be compassionate. She is ill.ā€

After being trolled she also tweeted to them and wrote, ā€˜Twitter trolls- a swarm of sh*t fliesā€™ and also tweeted, ā€œBollywood peoplesā€ indeed. Iā€™m going now be be agile. You seem responsible enough for the country ā€

As for the netizens bashing the actress, one wrote, ā€œAnd She is gonna make everyone ill. Be compassionate to them as well.ā€

Sonam Kapoor trolled for defending coronavirus positive singer Kanika Kapoor

#minimathur #kanikakapoor #rishikapoor #sonamkapoor #coronavirus #covid-19

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