
Sawani Ravindra Launches New Music Series on World Music Day

By desk8Jun 21, 2019, 08:46 IST
Sawani Ravindra Launches New Music Series on World Music Day

World Music Day Festival is a music associated with each person’s life. This year’s melodious music voiced singer Ravindra Sawani social midiyavaruna have launched a new musical series by dinacam justification.

Every musician wants to do something different and memorable on the World Music Day. This year, Ravindra Sawani, the social media star, has launched a new music series.

Sawani said, “Music is living and breathing. And for musicians like us, music is the fact of our life.”

About the series, she said, “We have music in our lives from morning to night. But people who are not from the music industry don’t understand the role of music in our lives. So, as a musician, I think it is my duty to to make the World Music Day something special for the common man.”This series is the confluence of the old songs new Marathi-Hindi.

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